Wednesday 24 January 2018

If you work on a computer continuously, then you need to include these things in your diet.

If you work on a computer continuously, then you need to include many things in your diet. It will maintain your health. Here we are telling you about the same things as those who work on the computer, it is important to eat ...
  • GREEN CORIANDER is very helpful in increasing the eyesight, carotenoid is very beneficial for your health.Usually, we put coriander in the vegetables. Or use Dhania to enhance the aroma and flavor of Indian food. But if you know its medicinal properties, you will be very surprised that due to antiseptic and antioxidant properties, coriander is also beneficial for the skin, and also for the health of the problem of blackheads, along with problems of acne, it also removes the problem of blackheads. For this, add coriander powder to turmeric in the juice of coriander leaves and put it on the face and after some time remain on the face wash after washing it.Iron is rich in coriander. Its regular intake helps in removing anemia. As well as being rich with antioxidants, minerals, vitamins A and C, coriander also prevents cancer.Coriander is also called the destroyer of diabetes. This is a boon for those suffering from diabetes. Regular intake of blood contains insulin content in the blood.Coriander is also considered as a caffeine. On the complaint of phlegm, juice of two teaspoons green coriander leaves should be taken regularly. 
  • THE CURD contains probiotics bacteria, which keeps your digestibility fine. There is no gas problem due to saturated with yogurt.Yogurt is considered an important part of Indian food. It contains all the nutrients which help in protecting the body of a person from various types of diseases. It is very helpful for both health and beauty. The curd is used in every home. But do you know that there are many types of nutritious ingredients available in the curd, which can benefit the body by eating it? Calcium, protein, vitamins are found in the curd. Yogurt contains more calcium than milk. In addition, protein, lactose, iron, phosphorus is found in yogurt. The skin comes glowing. If you have a facial massage from curd, it works like a bleach. In addition to this, curd should be used to remove the stiffness (rookhapan) of the skin. Applying olive oil and lemon juice with curd on the face it removes the starkness of the face.It helps in digesting these elements. Combine celery in the curd and drink it ends with constipation.Yogurt is found in abundance of calcium which is very beneficial for bones. Eating yogurt strengthens the teeth. Yogurt is also helpful in fighting disease like osteoporosis.Applying curd on the face makes the skin soft and the skin comes in color. If you have a facial massage from curd, it works like a bleach. To remove the problem of sunburn on the skin in the summer, curd should be shed, it benefits from sunburn and tan. In addition to this, curd should be used to remove the stiffness of the skin. Applying olive oil and lemon juice with curd on the face it removes the starkness of the face.

  • GREEN TEA is very beneficial for health. It contains a catechin, which leads to metabolism. Obesity is very fast. So drinking Green-T is very good.Our brain needs healthy blood vessels to function properly. According to a Swiss study, people who regularly drink green tea, have more activity in the memory area of their brains.Bioactive compounds present in green tea can have a protective effect on neurons, which can delay the damage caused by diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Simply drink one or two cups of daily green tea to boost your memory and remove the disease.Antioxidants available in Green Tea protect the skin from harmful free radicals. Promote longevity and treat skin diseases. Also, help in the fight against the various signs of aging. This is the reason Green Tea is used in many beauty products. Studies have shown that green tea can also reduce the damage to the sun.

  • The amount of potassium in a BANANA is very high so that you get energy immediately. You do not feel tired while working on a computer.Banana is very beneficial for heart patients. By eating two bananas in honey every day, the heart is strong and there are no heart diseases. If there is a problem of bleeding from the nose, banana should be used for a week with sugar mixed with water. The disease of hemorrhoid will end.Banana is also very helpful for weight gain. Thinners may be obese by drinking banana every day. Therefore, the diluted people should take bananas for weight gain.

  • The amount of vitamin C in LEMON WATER is very high. Tired of working on a computer for a long time is exhausted. If you consume lemon water, then this problem will not be there.Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits such as lemon, which helps fight colds and cough. It works to keep the immune system right. At the same time, potassium is also present in lemon, which acts to balance the brain and also controls blood pressure. Citric acid is found in lemon juice, which helps enzymes work properly is. It also acts to exclude toxic elements present in the liver. High levels of potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on our brain and nervous system. Lemon water can give you the power you need to face depression and stress. It gives mental clarity and helps in concentrating attention. Therefore these drinks are not less than nectar for the students and those who do more work on the brain.

  • MILK is a rich source of protein and vitamin A. It is very useful for strength and eyesight.Milk is the best way to remove stress throughout the day. Hot milk relieves your muscles by removing your stress. Milk is helpful in boosting energy by erasing stress. So the next time you get worried or stressed, then take a glass of milk with a bubble bath.

  • CHOCOLATE has many advantages, so many disadvantages. There are antioxidants, which help in increasing the body's immunity. There is also relief in the back pain due to sitting on the computer continuously.Like some dark vegetables, chocolate also comes from plants. Therefore, the qualities and advantages of both are the same. Chocolate contains anti-oxidant called Flavonoids. This reduces blood pressure by producing anti-oxidant nitric acid. At the same time, it also balances the hormones in the body. Sorbent fatigue is a threat to the health and happiness of a person. who suffers from headaches, body aches and many problems related to heart and breath. In this way, you can get rid of these problems by eating 50 grams of chocolate every day.


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